I went to the doctor on Friday hoping I had strep so I could have some drugs. The doctor told me that 85% of sore throats are viral, and only 15% are strep, but he would do a throat culture anyway just to be sure. He told me this at least five times, and I can only assume he did so to stretch the exam to the full seven minutes required by his conscience and my insurance company. He also suggested I pick up some Chloraseptic and cough drops on the way home. I left still unable to swallow and irritated that I had just paid some guy $70 to tell me it sucks to have a cold.
I was supposed to go to a baby shower this weekend, but I hear coughing all over a pregnant woman is frowned upon. Still, I was desperate to get out of the house so Husband took me to Target on Friday night to buy the present and then I made him deliver it on Saturday. At Target I walked really slowly through the baby aisles and said things like, "Oh, look at all the cute stuff we could buy if only I had a baby!" Ladies, for what it's worth, pointing out all the expenses related to babies is not the best marketing strategy to use on your significant other. Instead you might try highlighting all the s e x you get to have trying to make said baby. Husband has said before that he doesn't want us to have trouble conceiving a child, but that he wouldn't mind if it takes a few months. Eww.
Anyway, I spent a good portion of Saturday night browsing
WIFE: Cough, cough. Ack ack aaaackum. Uuuugh. Moan. Moan. ACK! Ewwww, gross. That was a green ball!!!! I don't think I've ever seen something that disgusting come out of my body.
HUSBAND: Wanna do it?
WIFE: Please stop touching my boob.
P.S. Husband would like to state for the record that he did a very good job taking care of me this weekend, and I agree. Specifically, he brought be a 3 Musketeers bar and didn't make fun of me when I nibbled off all the chocolate so I could have a bite of pure nougat. The nougat is what makes me feel better.
Maybe you could justify the expense of $800 bedding sets if you bought them in baby sizes. Sure you might get a bit cold in the winter, but think of the savings!
-Unhitched Texpat
If you guys have a baby, it will make me feel old. I don't need that right now, so please, think of the people you'd be hurting before you start getting all procreative.
-The Emotionally Immature One In NYC
p.s. You do know that it's all about me, right?
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