Sunday, January 28, 2007

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Dinner was fun tonight. We decided to make "pita pizzas," which for the uninitiated, is pizza for people trying to lose weight. They are actually surprisingly tasty, but tonight we started dinner with a little bit of a bad taste in our mouths.

As I was in the study doing something studious, I heard Wife scream "get down you naughty girl." If we were at a party, that would have sounded promising. As such, we were at home alone, so she must have been talking to Cat. I then hear Cat hauling ass across our house to the guest bedroom (a.k.a. "kitty jail"), where she was imprisoned for her naughty behavior.

I came out to see what the fuss was all about, and apparently Cat had decided to do a little Gene Kelly in "Singin' in the Rain" impression all over our sauce-covered pitas. We had to start over with new pitas. I was feeling pretty smug about things because I considered this further evidence that Dog was truly the better family pet than Cat, a subject of constant debate between Wife and me.

But wait, the story gets better.

A few minutes after resuming our pita pizza making, I heard a shriek come out of Wife that would curdle milk. I didn't see what the problem was, but Wife was chasing after Dog shouting, "Oh, GROSS!!!! GROSS!!!!" Eventually I put two and two together when I realized the direction Dog from which was running away: Cat's litter box.

Apparently, Dog had decided he was hungry and instead of venturing over to his food bowl, he wanted to grab a mouthful of Cat by-product. Wife couldn't really move, so paralyzed by the grossitude she was. So I went after Dog to try and get the "stuff" out of his mouth before he swallowed it.

It turns out, I was too late. All I saw was a bit of stubble that looked suspiciously like kitty litter on Dog's chin, with what can best be described as a shit-eating grin on his face. I have to agree with Wife on this one. GROSS!

The pita pizzas were delicious by the way.

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