Sunday, March 9, 2008

Husband:Hansel :: Wife:that lady who puts Hansel in the oven

Husband has a habit of leaving a smattering of bottle caps, Kleenex, empty pretzel bags, crumpled up credit card receipts, and the like in his wake. It's like he is marking his territory except without all the peeing on vertical surfaces.

Husband has a friend who says he got married just to have someone to hand his trash to. And he is not kidding. I have seen him hand his wife the wrapper when he pops a piece of gum into his mouth on more than one occasion. Of course we were appalled by this and considered it further evidence that he is a useless asshole (in a good way, of course, if he is reading). But I'm thinking his wife is onto something. Really, the net result is the same. I still end up throwing away Husband's trash, but in the meantime it sits around cluttering up the living room and is sometimes eaten and vomited back up by Dog.

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