Monday, February 5, 2007

Marriage Is Just Like That Show On TV

So we watched the premiere of the new CBS show with David Spade and Patrick Warburton (Seinfeld's Puddy). Overall, it was pretty mediocre, but there were some highlights. My favorite is still the line from all the commercials:

Happy Engaged Dude: "You know, I think marriage is going to be really great!"
Sad Married Guy: "Based on what?"

We were amused by several parts of the show, having been engaged recently enough to remember those shenanigans, and now having been married long enough to appreciate lame sitcom married jokes. However, there was a clearly bitter tinge to the way the married couple is portrayed on the show. Wife and I hope that our blog doesn't give the same impression.

We like the way this blog allows us a forum to publicly yet anonymously bitch about each other, but we don't want to come across as quite that bitter and combative. We each hereby resolve to occasionally say something nice about the other on this blog. But don't worry, there won't be much.


Anonymous said...

Compliment her boobs. Women love that.

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