Thursday, February 8, 2007

Oh, snap!

Like most people, I tend to think of myself as an "average" person. But Husband likes to remind me that we are indeed above average. And lately the universe seems to be proving him right.

First of all, I was watching The Maury Show yesterday and the guests included a young engaged couple with a baby who came for a DNA test. Now I know what you're thinking. Is he her baby daddy? Will they still get married if she turns out to be a ho? Does the baby look like the daddy in question? Oh, good, she does. She also looks a lot like the baby mama. As a matter of fact, Baby Mama and Baby Daddy look an awful lot alike themselves. Hmmm. That's right: Baby Mama and Baby Daddy have come to Maury to DETERMINE IF THEY ARE BROTHER AND SISTER!!!!

Now let's pause for a moment and think about this. I could understand if they were two unlucky star-crossed lovers who got engaged, had this baby, and then long-lost alcoholic Grandma rolled into town and gave a deathbed confession revealing the true circumstances. But that's not how it went down at all. See, they knew about this possibility BEFORE THEY HOOKED UP!!! Plus, they totally look like brother and sister. Like way more than my brother and I do.

So, of course Maury opens the manila envelope and they are indeed siblings. And the best part is that Brother/Baby Daddy runs off stage and Maury finds him curled up in the fetal position backstage muttering, "You cain't [sic] stop love," over and over again. And Sister/Baby Mama is totally skeeved out and doesn't want to go near him but then he runs up and hugs her because he is so sad that he can no longer HIT IT WITH HIS SISTER. Awkward!

Secondly, Husband and I are planning a trip to Arkansas next month to visit some aged relatives and go on hikes and stuff. I was looking over hotel ratings on and came across this gem:
Fine Italian music played in the lovely lobby. It felt like being in Europe, without all those pesky Europeans speaking those foreign languages all over the place.
I am totally not making this up. See? And seeing that it's Arkansas I somehow doubt that the author is being facetious.

Finally, this one is serious and not at all making fun of poor ignorant inbred people. Check out this video called Miniature Earth. It's really cool and is a good reminder that Husband and I are better off than, if not better than, the vast majority of humankind.

So, in summation my friends, take a moment to count your blessings. For example, I am thankful that Husband is not my brother, I am not xenophobic, and I have running water. How about you?

P.S. I am also thankful that the death of Anna Nicole Smith was not the top story on the national news. That would be really depressing.

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